Annual well woman exams, including a breast and pelvic exam should start at age 21 regardless of sexual activity. Exams will include a pap smear for women age 21 and over. Exams should start prior to the age of 21 if you are sexually active or having any problems with pain or menstrual periods. Well woman exams are intended to provide preventative care in the absence of any problems. If you are having any type of gynecologic or obstetric problem that needs to be addressed, it should not wait until the annual exam. Please call our office immediately for an appointment.
Physical Exam
This typically includes palpation of the thyroid, auscultation of the heart and lungs, and an abdominal exam.
Breast Exam
Your doctor will look for lumps or irregularities in your breasts and show you how to perform a breast self examination. This exam is important to detect early signs of breast cancer.
Pelvic Exam
Your doctor will examine your reproductive organs to determine the size and position of your ovaries, uterus, cervix, and vagina. This exam helps detect early stage cancers, causes of inflammation, sexually transmitted diseases, and other problems particular to the female reproductive system.
Pap Smear Test
The pap smear is performed every one to three years between the ages of 21 and 30, depending upon the individual history, and every three to five years after the age of 30. During the pelvic exam, we will swab the cervix and send these cervical cells to the lab to check for pre-cancerous changes. The pap smear can save your life. For woman over the age of 30, high risk HPV testing will also be sent to the lab.
Orrville Office: 330.765.9104
Massillon Office: 330.809.0460